Thoughtology - Inspired Thinking

This Blog Is dedicated to my favorite Hobbie - Thinking Rationally


One fine evening, I met an old friend of Mine. We were best buddies at the school. He's a Muslim and I'm a Hindu.
But all these distinctions were frivolous to us. But as our meeting forwarded, and we started talking about each other's college life. To my surprise I came to know that he was subjected to Distinction on the basis of the Religion.
He told me that, he had never imagined that such dogmas also exist among the educated lot of the world.But then he says that after a long mental struggle he feels to have settled to the condition.
On the ending Note..
According to me ," Different Religions are like Different paths with the same hurdles and the same 'Recreational facilities' available throughout the long path i.e. LIFE, which gives us experiences and certain beliefs that someone there is present to support us. "